Part 37: Battle: Failure to Communicate
Update 22: Failure To Communicate (Battle)Let's jump right into

goddammit Feena stop this

Anyway How's Everyone you know how this works.

That's going to be really good for this map and...not that many others. Mages aren't really at a majority in this game. More than in Shadow Dragon though.

Let's move on.

Drinkin' a Res Potion.

Oh, hey Merric, I didn't see you in the map preview.

Because he's a douche, Merric.

This is one of your few hints to something sorta vague that's important towards the very end of the game.

I'm glad someone who should be an expert in evil magic totally trusts a guy who looks like THIS now:

Elrean is fucking stupid.

So this map starts out with Merric in the middle of Fucked-ville right next to the boss. He would be appropriately leveled up if you used him in the prologue.
Merric is pretty good, he gets exclusive early access to Excalibur, which is an auto crit against flying foes (Which we will be seeing a LOT of very soon), has solid growths (including a 40% in Mag but I don't trust that stat anymore), and although his bases aren't great, he can make up for it. He also has special utility lategame that would be a spoiler to mention now.

Just checking, if Elrean attacks first, Merric would stand a good chance at beating him in a duel, especially if you used that Pure Water. However, Elrean cheats. He has all those goons. Let's take care of that.

I move Merric to chip away at the Sniper, but he decides to just Crit and wreck him entirely.

Why was a Sniper holding this? That's like, me levels of inventory management.

Wendell then gets him the fuck out of there.

Pirates can walk on water tiles! This means Barst would have one-rounded this guy if he hadn't missed the second axe.

Minerva just doesn't give a fuck about any terrain.

These are pretty good on this map! I should note that the two mages slightly north offscreen have Shaver tomes, so moving fliers too close is a good way to lose a unit, though it is tempting to be rid of those Swarm guys ASAP.

Because of that, Feena gets her the fuck out.

Caeda deals a little chip damage.

Splitting the team into two here to take each side.

The Swarm Bishop decides to use his Vulnerary to save him from his Barst inflicted wounds.

It was in vain.

Sirius, with his solid 6 Res, makes for the best lure on this side.

Remember that Barrier staff we stole from Lang's castle back in Chapter 6? That's 7 free Res, so Wendell is going to make use of it a lot here.

Feena is helpful in doing that.

Bait bait bait.

Here's the annoying thing about those Recovery Clerics, they decide that your chip damage doesn't mean shit.

This surprisingly brave and unfortunately dodgy mage tries picking a fight with Barst.

Zap. That's with 6 Res too, these guys can hurt.
As shown here. Thankfully, there aren't nearly as many enemies on this map to make up for Magic being so obnoxious to counter.

Wait, why did the Merc mo-OH GOD NO

Praise Barrier Staff.

Navarre does what he does best, kill a guy but be horribly crippled by a single counterattack.

And get a great level.

Fuck this guy.

And that guy.

Even more Res boosts from our friendly Barrier.

Not too bad for an old fella.

No more Mages. Only Steve.

Yessss. I was looking forward to this.

stop doing this game

Drinking a Pure Water to relieve Wendell a bit.

Killing Edge guys make me hella nervous. If you've played an FE game before, you know why.

Sadly, the Pure Water doesn't defend against this.

Minerva is hiding in a corner while Recover Cleric full heals that Killing Edge guy who was bugging Ogma.

Nosferatu really helps keep Malicia afloat.
Sirius weakens the Killing Edge guy with and I decide fuck it.

Devil Sword time.

Behold, the first documented Devil Sword Crit on an enemy and not yourself. Not even any save states in that one.

Godspeed, Ogma.

Look at that sweet +7 Res boost (the other 2 is from Virgo). Pure Water is situational, but it's a good situational.

Barst is back to running full bore into enemy territory, like a Pirate should.

Merric's Excalibur is a heavy hitter.

Nice. Why didn't I use you in the prologue?
Oh right, we had a mage already.

Please help me feel better, Malicia.

That does not help.

One hit kill. Ogma's Blade is rad, Luke is rad.

Bait successful

Time to take a swig of that Elixir we've had for like 10 chapters now.

One last foe to pull over here.

Huh, that's not bad damage.

Barst can do better.

He probably could have used that before he was a fine paste.

Navarre still good at damage, bad at HP, sky still blue.

Minerva's pretty damn tanky.

Ogma less so, but he gets the job done.

Sirius and Navarre team up and take down the last enemy on the map.

Oh, except this dickhead. Like you probably all guessed or knew already, Elrean's recruitable.

Wendell could take care of business.


Also what your idol and teacher looks like, what the fuck Elrean.
Anyway, Elrean does have an alternate battle quote:

I thought this might happen, so I disarmed Wendell before hand in case of a stray crit.

C'mere, idiot.

Elrean is basically the rival from Pokemon Silver. When I was a kid I named him "???" because that's what his name shows up as first, and I thought you were just supposed to type that in when they ask you.

Oh no, parallels to the backstory!

The Darksphere? Haven't we seen that...oh...

And after that handy verbal smackdown, we unlock Elrean.

Elrean is meh. He's got a C in Tomes, which is decent, and he can deal damage pretty well, but his growths aren't as good as Merric's, he doesn't have Staves like Etzel, and he's honestly just sort of too little too late. Not unusable by any means, but not really practical. He does get Support bonuses from Etzel for some reason.

Here's Thoron, in case you wanted to see it. You might have used this a lot in Smash 4.

Okay, now here's the deal. All that's left is Clerics who do no damage. Also chests. 4 chests. Marth can open them all. If this was a run where I cared about turn counts, Julian or Rickard could help, but for now? Marth is gonna go do laps for like 20 turns. Keep in mind he can only move one square in the water unless he's coming up on land. I'll just give you the highlights.

One of the best Staves in the game. Heal from anywhere.

10k gold.

This...uh...this sucks. You have Julian and door keys for a reason.

Oooh. I haven't played with this much, but it looks like it's global? That could be super handy against a few bosses...but probably cripples your mages for that turn as well. Gonna have to do some more research on this thing.

Oh god, turn 32.

This next scene shows up only if you don't kill any of the clerics. Oddly enough, there is a line where Marth says "Hey, don't kill them" in the game's files, but it was cut from the final release, which makes this kind of weird and obtuse in a game where you usually just kill everything Red unless it has a portrait.

Maximum efficiency shopping, baby. This is the only Silver Card in the game, make sure you grab it here!

Guess there's room for two in there.

We just saw it! I guess Hardin wasn't just waving it around, though.

That's why we couldn't hurt him.

Gotoh can teleport, by the way, he did it in the last chapter of Shadow Dragon. He's just lazy.

World is kinda on the line here is not the time for the TESTS OF FAITH or whatever.

And right onto another scene. Keep 'em coming.

Oh god more variable dialogue.

Still no casualties, going well so far!

And...another scene change.

wait who are you

What she said.

Oh god it's a Farina thing. Hopefully I saved up.

Pffft. Steel Swords are more than you.

Steve: Royal Pope/Knight/Treasurer

Oh, there's the viking! Where was he in chapter 4?

And, uh, with that new to the remake scene, we get Maris and her dad, Dice, as playable units. Note that it doesn't actually take any gold, they are free.
ONE MORE SCENE, this one only if you finished in under a certain amount of turns depending on difficulty (I didn't) OR keep at least 3 Clerics alive.

Smug Marth tires of these endless cutscenes.

Horace might be unfamiliar if you didn't do the sidequests in Shadow Dragon, as he only appeared there.

Oh no! Which of our treacherous Rogue's Gallery could have done this!

Oh yeah. Alright, fine, let's finish this douche off.
Maybe! See, you might be wondering what the hell is up with this lady

Well, there's a BS FE chapter that (sorta) explains that! That means it's THREAD VOTE time.
If you'd like to go on and fight Roro next, go ahead and say that. If you'd rather I do a BS FE chapter and get some backstory on Maris and Dice, say that. Whichever one I don't choose I'll do right afterwards.
Later, everyone. Elrean is an idiot.